Saturday, January 2, 2010

Creative Title For Eating Disorders

local bypass Waake B 27 east of Göttingen to Build

After decades of struggle against the planned OU Waake by the decision of the Supreme Administrative Court in Leipzig, unfortunately, the way for the implementation of this senseless project.

press release of the Federal Administrative Court in Leipzig:
"Two conservation organizations have with the Federal Administrative Court in Leipzig appealed against the refusal of the appeal against a ruling of the Lower Saxony Higher Administrative Court, with their complaints against the planning decision been for the new city by-pass Waake in the course of B 27 were dismissed east of Göttingen. They also have an application for interim relief against the meantime, ordered by the defendant's immediate enforcement of the zoning decision gestellt.Die applicants have complained that the Higher Administrative Court not to hold the authority to complain, in their opinion not secured financing for the project. Also argues that the Supreme Administrative Court adopted an error of procedure that the project no significant deterioration in a part of the route leads claimed in European territory and that there is no significant increase in collision risk for an occurrence of wildcat in the area concerned komme.Das Federal Administrative Court rejected the appeal because the alleged reasons for revision approval are not met, and rejected the application for interim relief. The challenged zoning decision is thus final. BVerwG 09.26 9 B and 9 VR 6.09 - decisions of 28 December 2009 "

See article in the GT here