Thursday, July 30, 2009

The Cost Of An Implant At Nyu Dentistry

country under

the leave report will be interrupted for a brief interim report:

Tonight fly my producer again about to home and thus were a few purchases in the Fakemarkt our choice to make. While I therefore must negotiate wild, do yourself out there on the celestial gates. Now to find a taxi back is almost impossible because everyone want to quickly dry. After some back and forth I get to the subway station near to the home to drive. But what about this instead of the well-known Hongqiao Road in front of the tube station I find instead a small river. While I'm still thinking how to cross the street without getting wet, I already offers a garbage collector with his tricycle with his ferry loading area. He "embarked" on me so the other side of the road, while buses and SUVs beat bow waves that make the pavement to the surf. A block However, I stand before the same problem again and this time there is no escape: from off my shoes and socks and by the road.
From My favorite holiday experience: Shanghai
From My favorite holiday experience: Shanghai
From My favorite holiday experience: Shanghai
From My favorite Holiday experience: Shanghai
From My favorite holiday experience: Shanghai

Friday, July 24, 2009

Blood Stained Mucus And Diarrhea In Dogs

reiselust - The Golden Route

parents visit to China. After the two have directly received from a work colleague of my father once served goose feet (it tastes like Mom). Shanghai is now of course not only visited but also the first detailed surrounding areas. The popular destinations Hangzhou, Qiandaohu (Lake of the Thousand Islands) and Huangshan (Yellow Mountains) should be first on the program. I had already taken care model to a hostel in Hangzhou, but the journey was nevertheless problematic than hoped, because the required bus drove from the station but not from a few meters away. Wisely, we were all three heavily loaded (of course my guys to have to bring the computer) And after a few harried and sweaty minutes (about 37 degrees with not less humidity), we found by chance our bus. The hostel was better than my parents had expected at first sight and then stroll along the famous West Lake first diligently. Water games, there were dozens of Chinese tourists do the same as the photos of darn good-looking foreigners wanted (us). To brave the heat for a beer after the other in a beer garden was empty on the shore, and were supported by a pile Ninja Squirrel besieged the hopped over again about trees and umbrellas to capture our peanuts.
From Hangzhou, Huangshan and Qiandaohu

From Hangzhou, Huangshan and Qiandaohu
From Hangzhou, Huangshan and Qiandaohu
was entitled to quiet it does not stay long, and of course the next morning I dragged my parents back to the bus station from which it was to go to the acclaimed Qiandaohu. Once there, we were then confronted with a few essential questions. Where is now stayed and where the ferry goes to the Huangshan Mountains. The Touristendock of which we knew that from there the ferry leaves no doubt, was quickly found, but where was the right yard? Holiday Inn slipped to the next (on a track can not be overlooked welding), the concierge was there questioned then. He circled us on the business card of the hotel then relatively quickly looking dock, but his colleague said it would also have a new one. The three German sausages are then sweated walk through half the town (saw on the Business Card all much less of) to see that the old dock had actually seen for some time neither ships nor customers. Then we treated ourselves to a taxi to the new dock. Thank God, because this was still a lot located outside the city. Near the docks, we found also an acceptable and relatively empty hostel (I had the entire 6-Dorm for me alone), from where we then were able to leave early enough for the 6:30 ferry. The hostel was in a newer resort located for Chinese tourists and evening mass gabs then there also nice program. Water fight. Topic: All the foreigners me (at least I felt that way, but my mother said, a few Chinese had become wet)
From Hangzhou, Huangshan and Qiandaohu
From Hangzhou, Huangshan and Qiandaohu

In the morning we went with locals on the ferry across the lake. Beside me sat a Chinese woman with painted fingernails and skillfully worst Bauer foot plant what you can imagine. In the case of not a few occasions when I could follow their telephone conversations, it rained only in this way Fäkalwörter and threats. The ferry was between of dead times to fish for a fish out of water, which immediately chopped, cooked and eaten by the Chinese was. The lake itself is not ugly, gave me not awake, and after 5 hours of navigation, my legs were dyed red as a lobster in a fine. But also made from nothing more, because it should indeed follow within hours of climbing stairs with heavy luggage (without breakfast or other meals), in which schrabbelte my shorts always on the sunburn. The view from the Huangshan was very nice to the point, however, a little unfortunate, as it in high summer, the sea mist enveloping the hail-shaped mountain peaks and the famous and often reproduced in traditional paintings Landscape make up missed. Thus, it is better to venture in the spring or fall to the Yellow Mountains. Colder it is then. Moreover, the old Ostseilbahn is only 12 clock. You should consider if you want to leave early. So we were puzzled by 10 clock at the lift and had the choice: wait 2 hours for the cable car, or walk down the stairs 800 meters. As a genuine non-pussies, we decided for the latter course. Anyone who believes a half hours to climb stairs was exhausting, the insured is that the muscles go down as a result of two hours is a lot nastier stairs. After all, before the first cable car I reached down, and then it went back on the bus to Shanghai. Instead of the six-hour drive there were seven and a half to limit thanks to countless breaks, strange occurrences at motorway service stations, and not closing bus doors to the maximum speed of 50 km / h (I felt like I was in the far-from more boring place of Speed: Slow!)
From Hangzhou, Huangshan and Qiandaohu
From Hangzhou, Huangshan and Qiandaohu
From Hangzhou, Qiandaohu and Huangshan

in Shanghai was the first move as little as possible, and it was again invited by Papis colleagues. Second-tallest building in Shanghai with brilliant views of one of the best sunsets in weeks, first-class barbecue restaurant with cancer, shrimp, oysters and the best beef steak. Ahhh Home Sweet Home.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Flitter In My Upper Belly

Gourmet Kitchen China

Chinese are well known for its special taste. This usually in Europe, with China in connection put dog meat but almost exclusively in Korean restaurants. And I've already taken more than a Chinese person, who refused even to something, however, had already probieren.Steffi of ice with Beans told . That I have not tried yet Erbseneis Nocht, but even the drinking pack here see also different.
From My favorite holiday experience: Shanghai
from their cousins in Germany, these cubic miles away. There is no straw or lid and it has been opened so you have to drink it in one time stand up empty, because this can marvel of Chinese drinking bag-art difficult one. But at least there are great flavors such as "Fruit of the Water".
From My favorite holiday experience: Shanghai

But of course you're not timid and tries too (more or less consciously) inserted Kuheingeweide or the ever-popular chicken feet.
From My favorite holiday experience: Shanghai

Someone had already told me in Germany that the Chinese eat things like chips. This one should not take too literally. I thought, namely, to eat the whole thing together with just bones. Does not do that. After the first toe I knew it better, sucking properly Skin and meat from the bones of the foot. Sounds disgusting, but if you do not even think about it, it is almost delicious.

When we were last year in Nanjing was on the menu of our favorite restaurants include bullfrog, unfortunately I could never try it because it was either sold out or sitting next uttered vehemently against the order of frogs. Now I can but I am in Shanghai and next to Pizza, McDonalds and KFC here to order it in almost any other restaurant. When we had then ordered Thai for me the big chance came. Frog with Asian Herbs.
From My favorite holiday experience: Shanghai have

In the round plastic bowl gabs then various pieces of meat in the aggregate, probably times accounted for a handsome frog.
From My favorite holiday experience: Shanghai
Besides small ribs could be seen especially the frog hands scary good.
From My favorite holiday experience: Shanghai
The taste is like stereotypical terms Hühnchenfeisch actually, but some fish also similar.
The frog itself apparently has quite a few bones hidden in his little flabby body, so I nibbled around well over an hour to the cattle.
From My favorite holiday experience: Shanghai
From My favorite holiday experience: Shanghai

And who ever in China in Pizzahut has perhaps been too annoyed by the far too sweet pizza dough. But that's nothing compared to this pizza:
From My favorite holiday experience: Shanghai
From My favorite holiday experience: Shanghai

pizza with M & Ms (a taste I must not dwell on)

Friday, July 3, 2009

Costs To Remove A Sebaceous Cyst

Long live the procrastination

After a long time I create it again but really what to write. Lack of blog entries lately are due primarily to the Mats-typical laziness, but time is also in China more than anywhere else in the world. Moreover, while it is extremely comfortable every day 2 or 3 times away to eat, but it claims but also a lot of time. Alongside it is a bit to the university, wasting time on Facebook with useless tests (whose results are then published, although no one interested) and with friends if one is indeed still meet. But now I have all the exams behind me and slowly my time is back for more. I will now certainly do not report all again in minute detail what has happened to me great in recent weeks, but boring it certainly was not. There was ice-free thanks to TV recording for a new iced coffee, and we were with a graphics designer contest, followed by After Party.
From My favorite Holiday experience: Shanghai
From My favorite holiday experience: Shanghai
There was still the shameful soccer match between Germany and China from the already Chrisi reported added. As if it were not already stupid enough to Vize-Europa/Weltmeister to watching how they are presented by a third-rate team, there was not even in the stadium to buy beer. could going out to buy at which one can not of course. Marcel and I have lost half the stadium so wrong looking for beer. A bunch of other German fans was also at it with the Security guards to negotiate. Of course we joined them and in Chinese assured that we are not even as a German in a position to throw up beer, and that any fears were unfounded before rampage. After 10 minutes the keeper mercy on us and let a German who was then brought out the beer for all. Marcel and I have caught a few cans and right are cut off before anyone could change his mind. When we came back the others were no longer in their seats and had just cheated a few times down price categories. The security forces did not leave us to our friends, and so deceived Marcel before he would comment on the phone the ushers do not realize and push himself to boldly past them. A few minutes ago I applied the same trick, and we sat with our free beer in the front row in the stadium. Now we even recognize faces, but what the game did not help, either.
From My favorite holiday experience: Shanghai
From My favorite holiday experience: Shanghai
From My favorite holiday experience: Shanghai
From My favorite holiday experience: Shanghai
A few weeks later
was also at the same time Miriam and Max took our coffee in hardware.
From My favorite holiday experience: Shanghai
meant the first duty of course party with Max and within 2 nights in I was more than 6 different pubs. Max had drummed up by some German StudiVZ Group and with whom Shanghai was then rendered unsafe. (Among others, the Mural Bar, where have an English woman with a Chinese Breakdancer in a dance-off measure.)
addition, we were still at the Asian Championships in Ultimate Frisbee. A friend of Lesley took out part of a team from Beijing, and so we drove to a distant field somewhere outside in Pudong (I would certainly never have to stop by the idea on NEM Frisbee Tournament). The teams had played 2 days, obviously not drunk unwenig including beer and were all pretty good mood. We arrived in time for the final between Shanghai and Singapore to observe, and the home team could be in this mix of Frisbee, rugby and win the basketball game (One of the losers was so disappointed that he had to cry a bit). The whole looked after even more fun than you "play Frisbee with normally expected. The Philippine team had come together with Filipino B-celebrity, and had at least when blood alcohol levels in the lead. A girl that I would have estimated at 15 years (but 24 was allegedly) was omitted and called for another special girl named "Baby Girl" out on various contests. Once a simple race, another time was in the midst of the roaring quantity Muay Thai Art beaten maintained. So when all is Frisbee tournaments all look so far but unNERDiger than expected.
From My favorite holiday experience: Shanghai
From My favorite holiday experience: Shanghai
From My favorite holiday experience: Shanghai