Thursday, February 26, 2009

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on the route between Waake and Bösinghaus. Here, the bypass would go around Waake.

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No OU Waake

This poster hung a few days on the B27 between Waake and Bösing-

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HNA-product to practice on Heidkopftunnel

an insight into practice on Heidkopftunnel HNA is an article.
Article Link

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GT Feature: Trittin to stimulus packages

The Goettingen Tageblatt brought a short article about the event "stimulus packages - Green look at the decisions of the Bundestag" .
quote: "., As there was no need" "The proposed bypass Waake (Daily Journal reported) holds the Göttingen Bundestagsabgeortnete Jürgen Trittin (Greens) for" incorrect use a road also soon be built by a few people and machines can be so created, no further jobs, "Trittin said."
Link GT article

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press release to VCD OU Waake

Traffic Club Germany (VCD) has issued a press statement on OU Waake:
VCD demands: restore instead road building transport infrastructure
The VCD calls the actors of the two major parties, particularly Mr Thomas Oppermann (SPD, MP), and the ladies and gentlemen give up the "Senior Citizens' Union" in their being old notions of a supposedly benefactors transport planning at last. The time is ripe. The citizens have no more understanding for a policy that meets the current needs of society does not do justice. No blind AktionismusDie political actors may not take the economic and financial crisis as an excuse to fall into blind action. The funds from the federal stimulus package should be placed in the realization of senseless road-building projects like Waake or south of the city of Göttingen. Rather, according to the VCD, the existing Transport infrastructure to be rehabilitated. The expansion and repair of footpaths and cycle paths and the promotion of bus and rail transport need not least in terms of the threat of global warming a top priority. That would be a policy of sustainability, which also has the interests of future generations in mind. A long-overdue project would be the expansion of the floor areas for speed railway line 80, decrease the elimination of dangerous included herein is Überwege.Verkehrsaufkommen.
Proponents of Waake bypass closed, according to the VCD their eyes to the important facts: Because of demographic change reduces the number of citizens, especially in the southern Lower Saxony Surrounding area. The plans for Waake were in the 1990s from a daily traffic of 20,000 vehicles. The last census of the district of Göttingen found that even happen today only 14,000 vehicles per day the place. Considering also that the increasing number of those who form the car-pooling, car sharing or public transport use, it must be asked, particularly after the meaning and justification for the envisaged money. The noise and fumes stricken inhabitants Waake first with simpler measures, such as helped an intelligent traffic light control to avoid congestion. The development of new, innovative and environmentally friendly vehicle drive technology is the medium care in Waake for clean air and peaceful sleep. The VCD insists: No waste of money in election campaigns! Other priorities set! Martin Odernheimer, Benjamin Bock
Link VCD

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On there are the following items: communities crave stimulus induced
Jürgen Trittin is quoted: "In my constituency Göttingen is a bypass of the village Waake be built, although the federal states in the transport plan that was not before 2015 is necessary, "said the top candidate of the Greens, Jürgen Trittin. "The rehabilitation of the comprehensive school in the 70s . Should fall under the table - that's the wrong priorities?
link to the article

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Eichsfeld and bypasses

the future of Eichsfeld really depends on bypasses
The Duderstadt Mayor Wolfgang Nolte (CDU) took this striking this way:
" - W for each Waake, Worboys and Westerode "- meaning the proposed bypasses in these places
you read this in the Eichsfelder Tageblatt: Link

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GT-Article : Transport of dangerous goods by Roringen?

In. Göttinger Tageblatt, 26 February 2009, contains the following:
discussion continues
Roringen (mib) In. the discussion of dangerous goods transported by road 27, a proposed by the SPD, risk analysis and a possible establishment of protective measures for the site (daily newspaper reported) summarizes Ludwig hedge the views of the city as follows:
• The Heidkopftunnel is locked for dangerous goods. The traffic will be diverted locally.
• dangerous goods transported by B 27 in Göttingen-Roringen are allowed to stay there.
• Forwarding services, at the closure of Highway 38 are local GE-out - B 27 B 80 and of Friedland - and will not go over the area Roringen B 27, even after construction of the bypass Waake.
• The A 38 takes the dangerous goods transport via the B 27 rather than from.
point three in Hecke's version contradicts the statements on the Lower Saxony state authorities for road construction and traffic: "The B 27 is the official detour. This is our state, "said Jens-Thilo Schulze, spokesman for the state authorities in Hanover, in January with on a daily sheet request. And already in November, Lower Transport Minister Walter Hirche (FDP) said on request of the Greens: "Based on current knowledge it may be assumed that the marked detour route is the highway traffic of the A38 in Heidkopftunnel also performed in the future 80 on the B. Changes For this purpose, together with the relevant neighboring states of Hesse and Thuringia to vote. A special diversion route for dangerous goods is not necessarily given. For dangerous goods south of the A38, the route is over the B 80 and for the transport of dangerous goods north of the A38 route via the B 27 in question. "She had Roring SPD, which in Ortsrat again asked a question on the issue, was disappointed that order Councillor hedge had not appeared personally in Ortsrat. The SPD had previously accused hedge a "grossly erroneous" response to a request Ortsrat SPD meeting in January on the topic of dangerous goods.

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press release of the BI "No local bypass Waake eV

lie as a foundation for the construction of the bypass Waake:
The election of Messrs. Oppenheimer and fishing has begun obvious. Theme: "We give a Waake bypass" - which for years was on the priority list at the back.
with the argument that the dangerous goods transport could not be performed by the modern Heidkopftunnel the new A38 and could not (58 U) on the extra newly constructed diversion routes B80 go do the two members of parliament to push hard to build now a ring road for Waake . For this argument, there is nowhere for confirmation. Questions of Ortsrat Roringen and the Parliamentary Group of the Greens in their Responses showed that neither the city of Göttingen, Göttingen nor the county or the state of Lower Saxony intend to change the route for hazardous materials. That the Chairman of the BI "No local bypass Waake" Dr. Oliver Trisl on 26/02/2009 at the annual general meeting yesterday, Tuesday in Waake.
Thus, there is no reason to apply now hastily money from the investment plan and build an OU, that benefit is in proportion to the destruction that this intervention would have in the residential and conservation area of the territory of Waake and surrounding areas. On the contrary, with obviously spurious justifications here Monies deducted that would be required for necessary road construction projects in Lower Saxony, so Trisl further.
Because of these false allegations has therefore determined the citizens' initiative also further appeal, the refusal to admit a complaint means to prepare the appeal before the Federal Administrative Court will be accepted.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

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hazardous materials in the district of Göttingen

On the homepage of the district of Göttingen is the Official Journal No. 5, 05.02.2009 pdf view or download file. Reviewed here, the "general order for the determination of the route in the district of Göttingen . For the carriage of certain dangerous goods according to § 7 para 3 GGVSE "
The current processing no new conditions applied to the transport of dangerous goods: the B27 / to Waake and is not a diversion for his Heidkopftunnel