Thursday, February 26, 2009

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GT-Article : Transport of dangerous goods by Roringen?

In. Göttinger Tageblatt, 26 February 2009, contains the following:
discussion continues
Roringen (mib) In. the discussion of dangerous goods transported by road 27, a proposed by the SPD, risk analysis and a possible establishment of protective measures for the site (daily newspaper reported) summarizes Ludwig hedge the views of the city as follows:
• The Heidkopftunnel is locked for dangerous goods. The traffic will be diverted locally.
• dangerous goods transported by B 27 in Göttingen-Roringen are allowed to stay there.
• Forwarding services, at the closure of Highway 38 are local GE-out - B 27 B 80 and of Friedland - and will not go over the area Roringen B 27, even after construction of the bypass Waake.
• The A 38 takes the dangerous goods transport via the B 27 rather than from.
point three in Hecke's version contradicts the statements on the Lower Saxony state authorities for road construction and traffic: "The B 27 is the official detour. This is our state, "said Jens-Thilo Schulze, spokesman for the state authorities in Hanover, in January with on a daily sheet request. And already in November, Lower Transport Minister Walter Hirche (FDP) said on request of the Greens: "Based on current knowledge it may be assumed that the marked detour route is the highway traffic of the A38 in Heidkopftunnel also performed in the future 80 on the B. Changes For this purpose, together with the relevant neighboring states of Hesse and Thuringia to vote. A special diversion route for dangerous goods is not necessarily given. For dangerous goods south of the A38, the route is over the B 80 and for the transport of dangerous goods north of the A38 route via the B 27 in question. "She had Roring SPD, which in Ortsrat again asked a question on the issue, was disappointed that order Councillor hedge had not appeared personally in Ortsrat. The SPD had previously accused hedge a "grossly erroneous" response to a request Ortsrat SPD meeting in January on the topic of dangerous goods.


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