Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Fondant Recipes That Taste Good Fondant Recipe?

Press Release None of the association OU Waake eV

The Göttingen city radio released the press statement of the association no OU Waake eV:

citizen initiative announces further appeal to
Citizens Initiative "No local bypass Waake eV further appeal against the construction of the planned bypass announced to the Federal Administrative Court.
said in a statement of the initiative, requests for funds from the investment plan for the road was in a hurry. Often with flimsy justifications were deducting money that would be required for necessary road construction projects in Lower Saxony. Criticism, the initiative also exerted at the Göttingen MPs Hartwig Fischer and Thomas Oppermann. The deputies tried with false arguments pressure for the construction of the road to make. This included the claim that hazardous material transports could not even go through the Heidkopftunnel use the extra newly constructed bypass road. Inquiries had revealed that it was intended not to change the route for the transport of dangerous goods. For this reason, the initiative aims to submit to the Federal Administrative Court before, would appeal to the preparation of the revision. "

also published the Göttinger Tageblatt on 03/03/2009 (Article is not available online), the press release.


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