Thursday, April 23, 2009

Contemporary Seating Chart Template Wedding


I stand this morning and notice conspicuously bad weather. So perfect weather to the blog-writing. Why is the weather seems so bad? Not stuck behind any natural meteorological processes, but the fact that we write today, our last mid-term exam. This midterm Exams are also a reason for the sparsely sown blog entries lately because recently my daily activities are more or less on Sleeping, eating and learning limited. Of course there was out there at the time of all the best spring weather.
From Shangtastic
From Shangtastic

Now it is but with the weather and exams over and I must again about my more or less interesting experiences.
2 weeks ago gave us all our favorite Americans donated over lunch, the beer and drinking games "forced". The round consisted mostly of classmates and some Japanese girls we knew from Wushu. On the same day should also take place Wushu again, but I had previously considered that it is not necessarily optimal because drunk to go. My drunken alter ego, but seemed not to share this opinion, and after a few beers I was already on the restaurant roof to the final hour again encouraged to give the best.
From Shangtastic
From Shangtastic
From Shangtastic

course, we went after it more or less directly to the right Wushu-hour, but the exercise then drove brother alcohol relatively quickly from my head and then we were playing to even be able Basketball
From Shangtastic
From Shangtastic

Last Tuesday we were invited to Milly, and it was Vodka on the program. Too bad that Kenny and I relatively little had eaten during the day, and we were more than a good mood after a few glasses. With Freddie Mercury as background music and Bitter Lemon Vodka in the evening was then left out fairly. Marcel and Jan have been madly happy to have it done until late on their boiled egg. I have therefore contented myself, however the toilet and make no attempt to imprison the others to ask for help. But honestly I can not remember exactly remember. The next morning I woke namely by a hammering and drilling in my head. Seconds later I realized that the cat was not, but works in our house. Although they are four stories among us, but it sounds so as if they were in our apartment, but at least they are only clock from 7 am to 7 clock in the evening. Also Sunday. Although the pounding of my Facilitate did not take place in my head, my memories were a bit shadowy and so I tried to learn from others what I have driven probably as embarrassing. But my drunken alter ego (a clever bastard) had already made provisions: Lesley said to my question, what I've done this: "You really cannot remember I dont believe you Yesterday you said to me that you would remember everything today?. but you'd pretend you cannot remember. " Damn. After some drilling, I learned that all I showered with my love and had also distributed free massages to anyone, had to flee no longer could. In addition, Lesley and I put down another dance routine on the road. My coordination skills are so not even the best, but after half bottle of vodka, one should not on such a venture really engage with me. Result was definitely Hautaufschürfungen and bruising.
From Shangtastic
From Shangtastic
From Shangtastic
From Shangtastic
From Shangtastic

After this excessive night was then going on the hardcore learning. One evening we tried to relax once an Indian all-you-can-eat Reastaurant. And in the middle of China, we have found again at once in a cliche-India, as one finds it is in any Bollywood movie. The entrance on the ground floor was totally run down and I wondered if perhaps it is intended Mumbai-ghetto-feeling has cause. Luckily, the restaurant itself, which was located on the first floor to invite some. The Indian pop music made my head constantly as a loose circle and dachshund on a screen gabs the matching film clips from Bollywood productions. danced
fully closed sign the package Thats has a guy with a turban of the small on a pedestal. A senior Western activist has still mitgetanzt what we were foreign to us ashamed strong.
From Shangtastic
From Shangtastic

From Shangtastic

waiting Just an exam on me and then calls the weekend. The exams are the way here a little pointless. Some of them are relatively heavy, on the other hand, you can cheat almost absolute since the teachers do not really watch what you do during the exam. The whole is additionally enhanced by the fact that the notes have no influence on my final grade, but at least you will learn as time to. And so I've vowed again, this time during normal Lecture time was to learn more ... Again


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