Friday, July 3, 2009

Costs To Remove A Sebaceous Cyst

Long live the procrastination

After a long time I create it again but really what to write. Lack of blog entries lately are due primarily to the Mats-typical laziness, but time is also in China more than anywhere else in the world. Moreover, while it is extremely comfortable every day 2 or 3 times away to eat, but it claims but also a lot of time. Alongside it is a bit to the university, wasting time on Facebook with useless tests (whose results are then published, although no one interested) and with friends if one is indeed still meet. But now I have all the exams behind me and slowly my time is back for more. I will now certainly do not report all again in minute detail what has happened to me great in recent weeks, but boring it certainly was not. There was ice-free thanks to TV recording for a new iced coffee, and we were with a graphics designer contest, followed by After Party.
From My favorite Holiday experience: Shanghai
From My favorite holiday experience: Shanghai
There was still the shameful soccer match between Germany and China from the already Chrisi reported added. As if it were not already stupid enough to Vize-Europa/Weltmeister to watching how they are presented by a third-rate team, there was not even in the stadium to buy beer. could going out to buy at which one can not of course. Marcel and I have lost half the stadium so wrong looking for beer. A bunch of other German fans was also at it with the Security guards to negotiate. Of course we joined them and in Chinese assured that we are not even as a German in a position to throw up beer, and that any fears were unfounded before rampage. After 10 minutes the keeper mercy on us and let a German who was then brought out the beer for all. Marcel and I have caught a few cans and right are cut off before anyone could change his mind. When we came back the others were no longer in their seats and had just cheated a few times down price categories. The security forces did not leave us to our friends, and so deceived Marcel before he would comment on the phone the ushers do not realize and push himself to boldly past them. A few minutes ago I applied the same trick, and we sat with our free beer in the front row in the stadium. Now we even recognize faces, but what the game did not help, either.
From My favorite holiday experience: Shanghai
From My favorite holiday experience: Shanghai
From My favorite holiday experience: Shanghai
From My favorite holiday experience: Shanghai
A few weeks later
was also at the same time Miriam and Max took our coffee in hardware.
From My favorite holiday experience: Shanghai
meant the first duty of course party with Max and within 2 nights in I was more than 6 different pubs. Max had drummed up by some German StudiVZ Group and with whom Shanghai was then rendered unsafe. (Among others, the Mural Bar, where have an English woman with a Chinese Breakdancer in a dance-off measure.)
addition, we were still at the Asian Championships in Ultimate Frisbee. A friend of Lesley took out part of a team from Beijing, and so we drove to a distant field somewhere outside in Pudong (I would certainly never have to stop by the idea on NEM Frisbee Tournament). The teams had played 2 days, obviously not drunk unwenig including beer and were all pretty good mood. We arrived in time for the final between Shanghai and Singapore to observe, and the home team could be in this mix of Frisbee, rugby and win the basketball game (One of the losers was so disappointed that he had to cry a bit). The whole looked after even more fun than you "play Frisbee with normally expected. The Philippine team had come together with Filipino B-celebrity, and had at least when blood alcohol levels in the lead. A girl that I would have estimated at 15 years (but 24 was allegedly) was omitted and called for another special girl named "Baby Girl" out on various contests. Once a simple race, another time was in the midst of the roaring quantity Muay Thai Art beaten maintained. So when all is Frisbee tournaments all look so far but unNERDiger than expected.
From My favorite holiday experience: Shanghai
From My favorite holiday experience: Shanghai
From My favorite holiday experience: Shanghai


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