Wednesday, October 14, 2009

4 Year Old Experiencing Headaches

reiselust - Hong Kong, the Second or how much money to get visas little

The last time I was in Hong Kong, I had me a tour site visa for China fetched. I had heard at home then you can describe relatively simple in a business visa. You can not. Since this meant that I either way once again had to Hong Kong, I had decided to use the Golden Week this. With placement contract and letter of invitation so we went back to the south. The contract I did not need, but a government letter would have been great. Sun gabs again just 30 days and extension so that new problems. So I was flown hundreds of kilometers to hundreds of euros just to get back only 30 days. You have to love the Chinese visa policy simple.
Despite a bad mood but was first enjoyed the holiday. In a Taiwanese restaurant were Lesley and ch then our food from Minikloschüsseln enjoy during our asses already taken hold on real toilets were. to those in Taiwan Theme restaurants probably be very popular, I was all (in addition to the questionable issue) is not really convinced. The food was okay, but nothing motivated to recidivism and price also not cheap. The chocolate ice cream in poo-form, we then also saved.

Day 2, we then visited Stanley Market. A nice little bay with the market and promenade for tourists and expats. The pizza was really good, but unfortunately we could only afford us a share. Flight and hotel prices were increased and Total Hong Kong is more expensive than Shanghai, at least we had the hotel free of charge to a Club Floor upgraded.

On the last day we took a hydrofoil to Macau, the Las Vegas of China. The casinos we left out, however, and contented ourselves with the Portuguese town. Straßenschlder work in Portuguese and Chinese and a Chinese city with a Mediterranean flair guarantees some interesting experiences.
over the rooftops of colonial churches and narrow streets stands a huge hotel, which seems so strange, as if it came from another world.
In the old hill fort, there is a beautiful museum, which the Portuguese and Chinese culture in colonial times next to each other. Definitely entertaining and recommended. From the walls of the castle is also has a beautiful view over the Old Town. Much too soon we had to spend the hydrofoil boat back to our night at the airport can be.
From Hong Kong & Macau - jet boats and Fäkalrestaurants


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