Sunday, October 31, 2010

Similardog Names To Mishu

economic Waake bypass project?

press release Jürgen Trittin MdB:

Due to the current reporting Göttinger Tageblatt of 25 October to bypass Waake has turned the Göttingen Bundestag Jürgen Trittin with a request to the Federal Government.

The bypass Waake, although based on the cost-effectiveness criteria of the Federal Transport Infrastructure Plan no more urgent needs have been identified, was taken in the so-called "economic stimulus package I" of the federal government. It is very surprising that one might expect in an economic project with increased building activity until 2012.

what extent this can be explained solely by changing the funding guidelines, it must be clarified. The costs of the bypass because they are based on old plans, the estimated investment in the IIP program probably far exceed 12.1 million.

Written request OU Waake:

To the President of the German Bundestag
Lord. Dr. Norbert Lammert

- in the home -
Written question
first We assessed the Federal Government, the extension of the construction activity in the
a report of the Göttinger Tageblatt of 25 October 2010 is shown
was to be expected after the bypass Waake until 2012
increased construction activity and can still be Chen of a project under the recovery plan
spoken against this background
second Can the Federal Government the report of the Göttinger Tageblatt confirm
gene, insurance policies that the extension of the construction activity through changes in financing
related and if so, how? With
friendly greetings office BERLIN, Jürgen Trittin MdB


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