Sunday, November 1, 2009

Allintitle : Network Camera Network Camera

DekaDance - Drunkman & the Turtles

Kenny and I had often talked about hosting a party in our apartment to the new fellow students better acquainted. Halloween should the empty chatter into action at last and we invited some students, friends and colleagues. Kenny, as a good host, had taken over a few drinks, snacks and all the rest of the organization, while I only needed "ze Germans" and invite me to care with Les costumes and decorations.
Kenny took his job very seriously and were Lesley and I have not been, I'm sure he would have bought ne dispenser. Along with brewery.
The first guests arrived at 8 (an hour before the official start), including Kelvin, Kenny's twin brother, who had disguised himself as Kenny and my colleague Xu had brought a hand-painted Chinese tea set as a gift. A bit of an exaggeration, but one wants to be ungrateful. After
and wobbled after the guests arrived, and as a troop of Indo-Chinese, the place was filled at last comfortable. The group consisted of only girls. At least I thought so at first, for David and another Indonesians had dressed up as lady boys. Frighteningly believable and pretty has to be added.
Most of my German Schis was slow in coming, while Marcel has already celebrated with a bottle of pure Baijiu in the hand. Marcel, Kenny, Les and I had dressed as Kiss.

Marcel's makeup was smeared, but within a few minutes and he also worked with his hat more like a drunken superhero in Watchmen as "the Spaceman" Ace Frehley.

A Kostümierungshöhepunkt were Yongen and Annette who had dressed as Turtles. The costumes in child sizes, and there were only the masks seem to squeeze any air flow through the nasal route. Had there been a costume price they would have got him, but unfortunately I can only offer public display and humiliation on the Internet.

The Halloween party was also the farewell to the Chinese warm autumn. As I dressed at the after party at Park97 still outside the shirt could enjoy the evening air (and almost overturning of iron arches of the entrance niedergeschlugen was), it was already a day later sweater and jacket required. Just in time to the 1st of November. Dear Autumn, I miss you already.

And a beautiful collage of Lesley to the adventures of Drunkman:
From the Last Temptation


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