Monday, March 7, 2011

Snowmobile Wrecking Yard Ontario

Japan Combi 3

Pattern: A Sunny Spot, ISBN 978-4-529-04894-1
Size: 100
Fabric: Hilco Corduroy and Jersey
Embroidery: Glitter flowers Pimpicuffs and fungal Happy via Huups, flora via Tinimi, Mandala and Mini Buttons via Stickbär

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Pregnancy And Susten 300

party time is cheese spit-time!

In North Germany Carnival is celebrated. At least until the fifth Age has completed work then ;-) The carnival events are as follows: you bring to something, I bring something and then increases the party!

We had the party all weekend and until today there is no end in sight! The trouble is not the Smurf and KiGa music that you must then endure three hours. No. The worst are the cheese sticks. If my children are asked what they could bring as well, they win nothing else except a cheese skewers! can produce

For a nation cheese skewers be a full-length work. As much as I would have times the item "Bread" taken over. I had even baked fresh. But, no. We are always responsible for the cheese sticks and this will probably not change the next decade. Too well that the next batch queue only at the summer barbecue camouflaged ...

you here for the Mini-Comtesse in selbstgeschneiderten and specially designed costume Futtertaft and rear zip. She goes to as "Drew" - and I would have actually not having to dress up for. But, oh well.

Yve wanted to know as what makes up a large Comtesse dressed up for Carnival. Dear Yve, I leave it off the wig. Then no one recognizes me already.

How To Make An Arab Shemagh

wish tree

In the small town where I'm at home, there are some stately trees. One of them is a special tree: A wish tree.

The primary school children of the second class have cut out the heart. Each child listed on his individual request. Then, all hearts are laminated and hung on the wish tree. Now the wishes fluttering over our heads in the wind.

This should be seen not only beautiful, but also amusing to read. Some wishes are abstract and very honorable. But most pragmatic. The young generation wants a Pl * y station, Match * ox-car or a pet.

My son has also designed a heart. We could not find it in abundance, however. So I asked, what he had written.

first he did not want to reveal his wish. Then suddenly his eyes lit up: "A lot of goals, Mama! I want to shoot a lot of goals at the next football game! If the wind has settled the heart, my wish will come true! And now it is already gone ... "

I do now also a heart and hang it in the tree tomorrow. Then it must just blow hard ...

Friday, March 4, 2011

Recommendation Letter In A Sorority

attracted Japan combined

And in the bright sunshine. is to see in the picture the way, a rare and sophisticated practice of meditation posture on one leg
... And from behind
... from the side
The glasses I have lent her for the photo. THE REALITY IS MY!

Bruised Feling On Top Of Head

Drops-lace-skirt dress with embroidered pictures

Absolutely not Japanese. But with selbstgehäkelter Drops lace.

My teachers used to say: NO RULE WITHOUT EXCEPTION. Thus, we learn what is Japan-mode in that we see today even know what it is not. In exceptional cases, of course.

A wonderful weekend to you all.

PS: I do not write what is this section. You all know the.

Embroidery: Ling Ling, multi-colored design

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Pinewood Derby And Balsa Wood


First I would like now to apologize to my three Japanese read along. I versaubeutel the clothes by stick I attach pictures. That is not gonna really. Finally, it should be so simple and elegant. The materials are to work out of the material and the color contrasts and color harmonies ...

To my excuse I submit that my daughter is still small. If we pick out the wardrobe for the day, we always tell us little stories about the pictures on the clothes. She loves these pictures and stories to which it later in the day returns too much. Therefore, I have allowed myself - although it IS BROKEN ON STYLE - to bring embroidered patch.

Today I introduce you to a basic book. If you only want to buy one, is perhaps wise to it. Starting from the T-shirt over turtleneck sweater, leggings, skirt, bag, hat and shorts is all in there that needs a Little Lady Sun
for our combined times I have sewn the models long-sleeved sweatshirt and 3 / 4 leggings. The ribbing is my version of the shirt. I found that it better matches the leggings. Note: The slip pants are cut fairly narrow. If your not used just turbo-elastic materials, but a little child did that so cuddly like mine, I recommend to go to the next size and shorten the lengths. Then fit diaper and into tummy better.

Conclusion: A good book with the base coat for little girls in sizes 90-120cm, tot (!) 30 Patterns

Pattern: Japanese Book ISBN 978-4-529-04700-5, no. 5 and no. 28,
Size: 100 adjusted
Fabric: Jersey
Embroidery attracted Ling Ling and Sakura Girl, multi-colored design

The whole combined with the sweater from yesterday, I'll show you tomorrow. Maybe you guessed already, what may come yet. Stay tuned ;-)

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Power Point 2010 Poster Template

General Information about Japanese pattern books

Where to get these brilliant books actually come from? If they have human-readable, not the Japanese since elementary school refreshed? And of course: How much are Japanese books?

now I have a beautiful collection of Japanese pattern books. Therefore, I allow myself time to take this opportunity to write something that is hopefully also for you. First, I must say that the books are all very very good. It is as always a matter of taste if you're frilly freaks, or preferably more straightforward clothes.

Whether a book is right for you, you can find out by visiting Ama * on in Japan. Since you presented as "English" one. Now you give us the ISBN number and you are looking for you can read the book. But you can just a few Examples in my blog :-) wait

On language: The books are purely Japanese. The pattern, however, are with us no intelligible or Roman characters otherwise noted, so that an assignment is easy. The pattern sheets are clearly laid out anyway. But the best are the brilliant tutorials. If you can sew, you come with the drawings very well.

If you're a sewing beginner, I recommend anyone to draw any rate, who knows where a little fabric must be ironed and what materials are not suitable.

For Price of books: It makes sense if you have you chosen a book to trigger a bulk order with a friend. After all, the books are not expensive - but certainly the postage to us in Europe. If you know anyone with whom you can order together, the books are worth anyway, because in each book a large number (guter!) sections are included.

The books are way within a few days for you, for the Japanese ship very quickly. All books are packed carefully and it is always great fun to expect the show because - at least I-always have the impression that they came from Mars :-)

If you have any questions write me happy. I can help.

High Cervix Secret Ovulation

Japan Year - yes?

Can you notice it you do not, or do you make a choice? Write you a list! Lists always help. You can of course also a decision-making seminar book or consult your psychiatrist. You can roll or read about in your personal horoscope. The foundation creates an ever changing list.

I wrote a list. It will help me make a selection from the most beautiful I have seen Japanese patterns. Um. The list is so long, I could by sew until November and would have no part twice. Then we had but not the Japan-month-March (but does nothing about a motto, right?), But the Japan-year.

we just catching on. This piece is again the first part of a station wagon. As you can see, I stayed in the color range. My husband gets a flash that is regularly when he looks in the clothes closet of our children. Sheer colorfulness he is blind. Somehow he manages then to create color schemes for which we would get in the Milan Newcomer Award for innovative fashion.

In any event, this sweater my interpretation of a Japanese Uni-sex T-shirt. It is a raglan cut with a narrow hood, neck Gummiraffung, three-quarter sleeves and hem with Bändchenschnürung. Only if the details in the pictures are not over.

Designed is the intersection of solid woven fabric. I had him but made from sweat. Also, the hood lining is my version. Everything else is original. Are you curious tightened on the picture? Well, then: Please, hold the line ... :-)

Pattern: Kids - happy home made vol. 2, ISBN: 978-4-579-11243-2
Size: 100
Fabrics: all from Hilco
Embroidery: Sakura Girl, multi-colored design