Saturday, October 3, 2009

Bloons For Ipod Touch Walkthrough Leval 28 Pack 3

reiselust - Fast Forward

Ajoo, already a full 2 months and I've written anything. A Shame when you consider that I really wanted to report from my travels live. Well what can you do, I'm that a lazy sack.

This summer I had yet exploited and even looked at a few towns:

waiting hordes of Lehmkriegern in Xi'an on us. The main street of the town is very pretty, as well as modern houses are mostly traditional Chinese roofs. From the drum or bell tower has a good view over the city center, and the Muslim market and through dark side streets to get to the Great Mosque of Xi'an. The mosque is very similar to each x-any temple in China, but the atmosphere was close to enchanting peaceful.
Xian - stone warriors and Chinese mosques

Then we went to the capital and while we had been living in Xi'an in the Hyatt, we got this time from the Hilton. Oh, how beautiful it is to travel with their parents. Besides the pool, we enjoyed our own driver to take us to the wall and went back (thanks to work hard in the Huangshan steeled leg muscles, the wall made for each of us to take a walk and even "Niagara Schwitzer" Kalle secreted only a few beads of salt water). Also, the Summer Palace, Bird Nest and the Forbidden City were checked out, but in the short time in Beijing, I had unfortunately not been able to be really warm with the city.

Beijing - palaces and low walls

for a new visa, I traveled with Lesley to Hong Kong and enjoyed ourselves there in Ocean Park with dolphins and roller coasters with atemberraubender view. A must walk through the Avenue of Stars followed by the skyline light show I had to convince Lesley only because they stood for when you visit various shops (Japanese Sex Shop) and restaurants in the foreground. I bought for 16 € by the way even a new phone and a beach visit of crystal-clear sea water was still inside.

Hong Kong - light show and marine mammals

visit then we went to Qingdao Chrisi and Matthias. Beerfest was still at the same time, which is enough reason to go again to the north. Beer festival was not as spectacular, (founded by German course), the brewery's popular Tsingtao beer was relatively interesting, and the food good and cheap. The old German neighborhood was overrun part of couples looking for romantic notions, and I have my future house in the former Residence of the German governor found. Thats has also a museum with all kinds of war machines that would be visited. Of course it not so, as in other countries and barrier have no meaning and the entire museum is thus more of an adventure playground for young and old, "to strengthen patriotic feelings"

Qingdao - Submarines in Little Germany


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