Friday, October 23, 2009

Groping By Stranger On Train

FridayFun - Are we still in China?

Yay, I was in Seoul. Fast. A Korean Komilitonin of Ken and Les took us a little through the Korea Town of Shanghai. Instead of the usual Chinese characters now Korean characters on the walls of houses and shops gave even more reason for the confusion of tongues. Everywhere gabs import from Korea, the people were dressed in fashionable, and on streets and sidewalks was considerably more space than in Shanghai Center. The mall there was called even then sometimes directly Seoul Plaza and the karaoke bar was designed exclusively for Koreans.
And as if that was not interesting enough, we were of the Korean (Les just called "cool mum") have been invited into a good, authentic barbecue restaurant. For ümme feast like kings? Always happy! Actually, I've seen

now everything and do not even spend more money on an expensive South Korea trip.
From In Korea! oops still in China

Korean BBQ Restaurant zhengyipin 正 一 品 (5 persons approx 500Rmb)
225 jinhuinan lu


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