Friday, February 18, 2011

Part Numbers For Battery

schlurps ... ... ... brrrtz Message from Outer Space ...

brrrtz ... ... HELLO !.... brrrtz brrrtz ... ...

brrtz ... ... ... brrrtz baggy ... We have kidnapped the Comtesse Popess Teten Mercury on the scene ... also all their machines and Ovi cones brrtz ... ... Now we talk to you about their Google account ... brrrtz ... fiiiiieep brrrtz ... ...

... YOU SHALL MORE SEWING !!!... brrrtz ... DU SOOOOLLLST MORE SEWING !!!... brrrrtzztz ...

... We will also take part in all competitions! Take care! Watch out! 8! ...

... kawautz - brrrtz ... noise ....

fiiiieeep ... ...

end of the message-


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